Saturday, May 17, 2008

And another thing...

In case you didn't know, ADOPTIONS ARE CRAZY EXPENSIVE!!! Now that isn't a complaint, just a fact. People had told me before that adoptions were expensive, you have no idea until it stares you in the face. God chose us to do this and we are willing, and He is willing to provide according to His riches. Oh and by the way, my Father owns the cattle on 1000 hills.
So we needed to send some paperwork in and needed about $100.00 and what do you know, the Lord laid it on someone's heart to give us $100.00 through our Paypal. And another thing, we have been saving to send out our dossier, and with our tax stimulus check (Thanks, George), we were exactly $1000.00 away from having the amount we need. A family we know told us they were not called to adopt (NOT AT THIS TIME GUYS tee hee) but they were called to support us and they donated, you guessed it, $1000.00.
Now, please know, I share this in all humility!!!!! Not to boast or seem prideful, but just to share what God is doing. When He calls us to do something, He equips us! There is no way on earth, Nathan and I could afford to adopt, without His resources, His economy. Your calling may not be to adopt, or even to support someone who is. But you do have a calling! Just remember, when He calls you, He gives you exactly what you need, when you need it, not sooner, not later, you just have to have faith.

Let the Little Children Come...with a better attitude!

Brace yourself, this could be a long one!
Wow! Yesterday was beautiful weather. Only the fifth dry day this month for our area. We took advantage of it too. After five weeks of LaGrange Family Chaos, traveling, work, school, injuries, and appointments, we really needed a quiet day. No cells, no texts, no emails, just us and nature. We took the kids to McCormick's Creek State Park, and for the most part had a great time. Nathan's brother, Aaron, and his lovely wife Sarah, live near by so we ate dinner with them. Now the best part of this deal was we got to see our two year old,ADORABLE nephew Sawyer. (Although we still love Aaron and Sarah ;-) This boy couldn't be any cuter. He is so full of life, and energy. We spent 30 minutes watching and laughing as he tackled a double dip ice cream cone, with a bug, a dog 10 times his size, and exploring everything with fresh eyes and a pure heart.
The funniest part about Sawyer is he is finding his independence. When Sarah would say tell him something, his usual retorts were, "No", "uh-uh", "I don't want to", "Daddy, help me", "Oh-wa, Man" (my personal favorite), and eventually end is "ALLLL-wite" we he realized Mommy was very serious about her instruction and he had better listen or face the consequences.
I don't always find spiritual lessons in everything but this one I did. How often do we hear the Lord direct us and just say "No. Uh-uh. I don't want to. Oh,Man!" Sometimes we may end our disobedience with "Alright, if I really have to". But then we spend the next month questioning whether we heard right, checking with our friends to see if we heard right, and seeking 14 confirmations to see if we heard right. When Jesus said we should become like children, I don't think that is what he meant ;-) I bet sometimes He thinks, like we as parents often do, "Will you just listen to Me already?" Jesus want us to listen, explore His will for our lives with fresh eyes and a pure heart. Our decision to adopt has definitely been a lesson in this for Nathan and I. This sure does take faith like a little child, for a little child.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


AAAHHHH....two more days before I have to blog again.
Think, Tricia, think, think, think.......;-)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lousy Blogger

Ok Ok Ok...yes I know I am a lousy blogger. That is so much my personality....I am great out out the gate and not much for stamina ;-) I would love to have a great spiritual analogy, some words of wisdom, some thought provoking idea....but to be honest...I just don't, it has been a very busy month, and I am mentally drained.
An update....we got a certified copy of our home study in the mail the other day and the kids laughed (in a scared way) as I danced around the kitchen doing the "stir the pot dance" (some call it the cabbage patch) as I sang "We're cool.... enough to get a baby".
Our dossier is done and ready to be mailed to the Philippines. I will let you know when that happens. And I promise to least once a week.