Friday, February 1, 2008

Year Verse.....

For several years now our pastor has been challenging us to pray about a verse for the year! If this is not something you do already, Nathan and I challenge you to pray and ask the Lord what verse He would lay on your heart for the year. It amazing to see what He will tell you...each year He shows me exactly what I need for the coming year. 2008 has been no different! Our family verse for 2008 is Proverbs 19:17...Mercy to the needy is a loan to God; and God pays back those loans in FULL! We will contintue to share the "mercy" God is showing the LaGrange family during our adoption journey. So here is another story.....

We have to have a psychologiacal evaluation (Why? to tell us what we already know with soon to be 4 kids in a 1500 squaare foot home...we are crazy! ha ha). This cost could be anywhere from $500-700. The Lord led us to someone who is going to help us with only a charge of $100....isn't He amazing!!!!!

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