Sunday, February 17, 2008

Who's in Your Camp?

Moses. Aahhh, what a man! Born Jew, raised Egyptian "prince", trained warrior, rich, MURDERER (we always gloss by that with Moses), desert wanderer, radically saved, friend of God. Wow, he had a crazy past didn't he? Yet God chose to use him in not only a big way but in a very historical way also; and He called Moses friend and talked with him face to face. Moses knew a lot about God. Amazing. Now what does this have to do with an adoption blog you ask? You see God gave Moses a great idea....lead My people to the Promise Land. Sounds easy. But of course it wasn't...and why? Because of the people in his camp! (I am not going to go into the whole story, you can read it for yourself in Exodus...2nd book in the Bible) The people in the camp grumbled, complained, tried to turn back denying all the miracles they had seen God do to get them out of Egypt. Moses got SO frustrated with these people he eventually disobeyed God and he didn't get to lead them into the Promise Land....his right hand man did. Ouch! (just as a side note...I would have struck the rock too and been in the same boat as Moses, no pun intended)
Sometimes God gives you a great idea, you know it, you feel it in your bones, you are ready to run with it and then the people in your camp try to discourage you, to dissuade you, to make you question what you KNOW God has put on your heart. If that is happening to you can I just say....... MOVE!!!!! Alright, alright, I know "moving" isn't always realistic, but find a camp around you that will encourage you, believe in you, and believe God with you. Moses had Joshua and Caleb. Sometimes just a couple of positive voices will drowned out the rest of the sounds of the camp! Be on your face before God, knowing His will in the situation. Moses said "I am not moving an inch, God, if you don't move with me." (Exodus 33:14-17) You just listen to God, talk to Him "face to face" and let Him take care of the rest of the camp!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

What's keeping You Sane?

So, Nathan and I had to do a psychological evaluation for our adoption dossier.
For those of you who know us, you laugh and ask "Did you pass?" All right people! Enough of the jokes ;-) We spent 2 hours and filled in 587 bubbles of questions like "Do you want to kill yourself" "Do you want to hurt yourself" "Do you like criminals", "Do you think smart criminals should get away with their crime?", "Do you want to hurt animals?", "Do you want to hurt others?", "Do you feel like smashing things?" and our personal favorites, "Do you want to do the work of a park ranger?", and "Would you like to be a florist?". Basically, all of those question except the last two, (and that could be debatable) are HEART ISSUES. What keeps me from wanting to hurt others, hurt myself, smash it my inherent goodness, the thought that somebody might be watching or even my overwhelming feelings of responsibility to society? Maybe for some people that is what it takes, but for me, I honestly believe it is my relationship with Christ. The fact that He has made me a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!), that He has transformed my behavior and response process by the renewing of my mind through His love and His Word (the Bible) (Romans 12:2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is).
I may want to smash something but I know that instantly I can cast that thought before the Creator of the Universe and He can instantly change my heart and my sanity!!!
So what is keeping you sane? Is is just social responsibility or is it the transforming power of the God who created you and loves you? If it isn't the latter, let's chat, cuz I would like to introuduce you to the sanest Man I know!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Elighten Me...Oh Gidget the Wise One...

If you have never met my friend Gidget, or Gidgie as we lovingly call her, I just tell people..."Picture in your head what a "Gidget" might look like and you probably have it!"

Gidgie is a laid back, funny, style all her own, determined, silly, beach bum kind of girl, not to mention a culinary wizard. Despite a challenging childhood; she has beat all the odds and become a beautiful wife, mother of 2 boys, amazing leader and friend. She'll tell you she is shy but she will step out to help anyone. She would not think that she is "wise" but she always speaks from a gentle and quiet spirit who has obviously been seeking the Lord's face and His Word to order her daily steps. The Lord has blessed her with discernment and incredible insight. I have sought the wisdom and advice from my good friend Gidgie many, many times over the years.

When I told her about our adoption plans, she didn't ask me if I was crazy like some others have. She had the best answer yet! (Paraphrase) "You know, Trish, more of us just need to step out in faith and live out on the edge. I think so many of us just stay in our comfort zone instead of stepping out into the plan that God has for us, because it could be potentially life altering. And we miss it! We go through life just missing out on something great." Gidget should know! She just left everything she has known for 15 years and packed up and moved to St John, Virgin Islands. Talk about stepping out in faith.

Thanks for the insight Gidgie, you have given me something to ponder on this journey....of life!
Miss you Gidg, and all of our Maritime Memories!

Year Verse.....

For several years now our pastor has been challenging us to pray about a verse for the year! If this is not something you do already, Nathan and I challenge you to pray and ask the Lord what verse He would lay on your heart for the year. It amazing to see what He will tell you...each year He shows me exactly what I need for the coming year. 2008 has been no different! Our family verse for 2008 is Proverbs 19:17...Mercy to the needy is a loan to God; and God pays back those loans in FULL! We will contintue to share the "mercy" God is showing the LaGrange family during our adoption journey. So here is another story.....

We have to have a psychologiacal evaluation (Why? to tell us what we already know with soon to be 4 kids in a 1500 squaare foot home...we are crazy! ha ha). This cost could be anywhere from $500-700. The Lord led us to someone who is going to help us with only a charge of $100....isn't He amazing!!!!!