Thursday, August 28, 2008

I know, I know, I know

So I am a lousy blogger ;-) At least I can admit my shortcomings. There is so much going on in our lives and so much I could write about...but I am just trying to be still right now, and not speak. But an update....we got our letter that says we have been accepted as prospective parents by the Philippines (finally after 11 years I have been OFFICIALLY approved as a parent ha ha ). This means that our dossier is available for the social workers to look for a match. It still takes time though. We are still trying to raise funds, but are amazed at the miracles God has already provided for us.
Our prayer request for finances is this, that they would come through. We have applied for a grant and they are having a selection committee in September. Please pray for favor over our application to be accepted. This was God's idea and He will provide in His timing. Will someone keep telling me that please?!

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