Wednesday, June 18, 2008

under the overpass...

I just got done reading this book....Under the Overpass. Now I think it is one of the better books I have read in a long time. A woman at church said she had heard of it and asked me if it was "Phenomenal". My answer is this...if you are a person who wants to be inside the walls of the church and be fed and that is it; then you may not like this book. However, if you are looking to be CHALLENGED in all of your ideas about what God expects out of us as those who claim His name and what our responsibility is to those less fortunate than us...this book is for you.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


We finally sent in our dossier invoice so it should be on it's way to the Philippines any day now!!!! YIPPPEEEE!!!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

B.J, the Bear, Love and the Harsh Realities of Life

I have a wonderful friend...*Lolo. She is this amazing woman of God. She gets it, you know? She knows she is a child of the King, that He created her for His glory and pleasure, and that all rest and security is found in Him. I recently (out of guilt to someone else) sent her one of those crazy form emails; "Answer these 20 questions and send it back to your friend" (62 actually) Now there was this question. "What did you want to be as a child" My answer was "A truck driver. My favorite show was 'BJ and the Bear' and I wanted a pet chimpanzee and thought you had to drive a truck to have a chimpanzee" Funny right? Imagine how my parents felt when people asked their "princess" "What do you want to be when you grow up?" A truck driver!? Wow. Silly. **How proud they must have been!
Lolo's answer was way different. "What did you want to be as a child?" Her answer was "LOVED" UUUGGGHHH! She broke my heart. Lolo's family was abandoned by her father leaving her mother, who had a 6th grade education, to raise three kids on her own. Lolo's family was poor. She can remember nights wondering where her head would land and on what pillow. She remembers wondering where her next meal would come from (as an adult she began to hoard food, if she had one box of oatmeal she had ten). For a time there was very little order or stability in her life. This emptiness she felt eventually led her to an alternative lifestyle. Lolo came to find Jesus and He delivered her in ways she never thought possible. She married a wonderful man, has two great boys, and is a very Godly woman who is a real inspiration to many.
We are adopting because there are hundreds of thousands of children in this world that want just what Lolo be loved. Oh, suffer the little children to come to me, Jesus said.
We chose international adoption but there are so many domestically that need love too. So what do we do? Jesus tells us to take care of the "widows and orphans" I think nowadays that includes single moms and kids from broken homes. Here are some links
Dave Thomas Foundation
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America
Bethany Christian Services Adoption Agency
*Name has been changed to protect my behind
**No truck drivers were deliberately harmed in the writing of this blog

Monday, June 2, 2008

A "Quick" update

Ok, nothing is ever quick with me Ha Ha, I know this but....we went for more adoption training and what I determined is that adoption is NOT for the faint of heart but I am not faint at heart, therefore I am incredibly determined. The questions raised in my mind were ones I had not thought of before, and ones I will continue to "ponder in my heart" for many years to come. Some of them are to personal to share, others were just not thought of. Lots about the birth mom, she will always be there in my child's heart and you know I think I want my child to always be in hers. I realize now that there is only One who can fill the void caused by a sense of loss and rejection, because He experienced it! I know that I cannot do this with out Him. And I don't intend to!